Vibiyka and Alkonost
November is one of the most depressing months in Ukraine as you Japanese has ‘Spring blues` we have November.
At this time of year, you especially understand how much the sun affects our mood.
But, if we talk about the duration of daylight hours, in Ukraine it is longer. I was very surprised when I discovered that in the land of the rising sun, the Sun sets so early, and in the summer after 18:30 it already becomes dark. In Ukraine in summer the sun stays with us until 20:30 and only in winter on the streets of Kyiv and Lviv darkness comes at 16:30 just like here. (in Japan)
I am separated from my family not only by 8198.6 km, but also by 7 hours of time. It's interesting to live on the same planet and communicate from the past to the future.
Recently a festival (name) was held in Kamagaya.Where I took part, thanks to everyone who attended this event. And sorry that my Japanese is still bad, but I was really happy to meet people all of you there.
At our booth, people experienced to make Ukrainian traditional craft which called ‘Vibiyka’. The traditional patterns and symbols are carved into wood was used for a stamp. People did stamp these on a bag or other fabric.
This method of applying a pattern to fabric existed in many countries and in Japan, but every culture has its own patterns and symbols, as well as the meanings embedded in them.
I will tell you about one perhaps most unusual character for you, namely Alkonost - a bird with the head and arms of a maiden.
In Slavic culture, this bird, an inhabitant of paradise, portends good luck and happiness. Alkonost periodically appears on Earth. She flies around the world, calming storms and thunderstorms. Her singing fills people's hearts with love and happiness.
I really hope that this bird will soon fly over our warring world and calm the wars and storms.
I will never tire of thanking you for supporting us, helping Ukraine and my family. Thank you very much.
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