The City of Kamagaya announces its willingness to accept Ukrainian evacuees
The City of Kamagaya will offer Ukrainian evacuees a onetime payment of 160,000 yen per
household once they are accepted in the City.
ウクライナから避難された方が、文化や生活習慣が異なる地で生活する上での不安を解消するため、相談窓口(総務企画部 企画財政課 企画政策室)を開設します。
The City has established a help desk for the evacuees from Ukraine (at Policy Planning
Section, Policy Planning and Finance Division, General Affairs and Planning Department) to provide information and consultations so that they can fit into new environment.
Ukrainian evacuees and Kamagaya residents who are going to accept Ukrainian evacuees
英語 English
Note Ukrainian and Russian interpreters are being arranged.
Two days a week (Tuesdays and Thursdays 9:00 am - 4:00 pm)
Note Inquiries and consultations in Japanese are available Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 5:15 pm excluding Saturdays, Sundays and national holidays.
【Tel】 電話:047-445-1073
Interpreter volunteers are being sought for Ukrainian evacuees to care for them with communication difficulties.
Ukrainian or Russian/Japanese interpreters aged 18 and over
Accompanying them and interpreting during consultations, school entry procesures, and so on.
総務企画部 企画財政課 企画政策室